Who Has Access to your Energetic Space?

Duration: 2 Days (Total 14 study hours over 2 days)

Investment: USD 495 (Payment via Credit/Debit cards will be charged in PKR currency at the set conversion rate) 

Pre-requisite(s)Basic DNAAdvanced DNA and Dig Deeper

Location: Online LIVE via ZOOM (Class is NOT RECORDED and there is NO REPLAY.)

Re-Certification: USD 346.5

(To convert timing of the seminar in your local time zone kindly use time zone converter .   Or Email us for assistance.)   


Seminar Date: 5th-6th November 2024

Seminar Time: 3:00PM to 10:30PM  Sydney, Australia Time 12:00PM-7:00PM +8GMT


Seminar Date:  25th-26th November 2024

Seminar Time: 8:00AM-4:00PM  EST, 5:00AM-1:00PM PST


Please Note:

  • For Re-certification price please e-mail us your Previous Certificates at mindbodyspirit@quantamind.net
  • We accept Payment via 3D secure Credit/Debit cards. For other payment methods please select Direct Bank Transfer at the check out or email us for assistance.
  • Please mention the Seminar Date(s) Time Slot/ Session you want to register for, in email correspondence.



In  ThetaHealing® You and Your Inner Circle Online Seminar, we will re-evaluate the circle of relationships and learn about stages of mental and spiritual development of people in our life.

This 2 days seminar is about our associations of inner circle. It will teach you:

  • How to structure your inner circle of relationships to be surrounded by people that are supportive, loyal, and kind.
  • How to choose the people you surround yourself with in your personal and professional life.
  • To work on betrayals and move forward with lessons and virtues.

To move forward in life and be successful, it is important to have clarity and discernment on:

  • who is a part of your inner circle,
  • who should not be there and
  • how to work on yourself to start attracting people who are a vibrational match to you and your aspirations.

“By all means be compassionate but never allow the envious into your inner circle.”

This seminar is designed to give you the opportunity to stop feeling alone and let go of the pattern of pushing people away due to a fear of abandonment or unworthiness.  The aim is to manifest the most compatible Inner Circle that will empower you to express yourself fully and bring to the world your unique contribution.

Little fairies bathing in a tea cup with a secure inner circle of friends. Colors used in this image are magical green, yellow, white and light orange

Seminar Details

Pre-requisite(s)BASIC DNA, ADVANCED DNADig Deeper

Please Note: If you do not have the required pre-requisites for this course, then you can easily request us and we will schedule online classes for you.

Location: Online LIVE via ZOOM (Class is NOT RECORDED and there is NO REPLAY.)

Certification: After the completion of the course, you will be certified as a ThetaHealing® You and Your Inner Circle Practitioner.

In ThetaHealing® You and Your Inner Circle:

  • Understand the 3 circles of relationship in our life.
  • And at the same time, we will learn about stages of mind development.
  • With belief work and a questionnaire, we will  see in which mental development you are in. Then you will learn what you need to do to get where you like to be.
  • You will learn why inner circle changes,  why you shift your friends around, what kind of friends you need to surround yourself with that you feel good and charged.
  • Great opportunity to work on betrayals in life.

Resolve the old beliefs that are no longer serving you. By doing that we will be creating space for new beliefs. Let’s reassess the narrative of life with compassion. As a result we will work on releasing the blocks which are holding you back from attracting the right relationships in your life.

Seminar Includes

You will receive the following after Registration and Completion of this seminar:

  • ThetaHealing Practitioner E-Certificate from THInK USA.
  • Digital Manual
  • Interpretation Services (Please note: Starting from 1st April 2021, we will be charging a small fee for interpretation services. If you have booked a course before this date then you will not be charged for it. We must receive this request one month in advance)


The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs. This allows us to live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle. It is a powerful healing modality which also helps the students to process their suppressed inner emotions and unresolved traumas. This in turn supports them in moving forward in their lives by recreating their reality.

This is a great opportunity to get Certified as ThetaHealing Practitioner from THInK USA in a relaxed and fun environment from the comfort of your home. The classes will give you the tools that will allow you to change your perspective toward relationships and yourself. It will allow you to grow and it will prepare you to see and choose the right relationships for your life.

To read more about the You and Your Inner Circle seminar, please click here

Know more about ThetaHealing please click here

For Information about your instructor, please click here

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