We are always working on exciting ideas and ways to contribute to the community. In this section, you can read about the latest news and happenings in the world of Quanta Mind.

Virtual Healing Clinic News

Healing for a Cause. In November 2020, Quanta Mind was a part of a Virtual Healing Clinic organized by The Third Eye Wellness based in Philippines. ThetaHealers volunteered to provide healing services to clients, in exchange for a donation collected by the organizers to help Typhoon victims in Philippines. The virtual clinic ended with a group healing.

Healing for a Cause

Live Session on Holistic Parenting

In August 2020, Holistic wellness Specialist Sana Naseem was invited to speak to a group of Mothers. It was a Live Facebook Session wherein the focus of the session was to introduce parents to the concept of Holistic Parenting. The session ended with a short Question/Answer.

Live Session on Holistic Parenting