Hello September! Today, let me tell you the story of a girl whose grandma used to bring her beautiful dolls from her travels. These dolls always came in a box with a pamphlet of new editions. The little girl used to look at the pamphlet every night, admiring the beauty of these dolls. But a confusion always clouded her mind that why doesn’t she look like her dolls? Why is she different?

Hello September! Today, let me tell you the story of a girl whose grandma used to bring her beautiful dolls from her travels. These dolls always came in a box with a pamphlet of new editions. The little girl used to look at the pamphlet every night, admiring the beauty of these dolls. But confusion always clouded her mind that why doesn’t she look like her dolls? Why is she different?
Support System
One night her elder sisters caught her admiring the beauty of the dolls and explained to her very gently that it is okay to admire others for their beauty and body size, but every person is different. They are unique in their way. What matters is not the shape of the body but the heart and the personality. The little girl had many questions which were cleared by her sisters.
Be Your Own Hero
Fast forward to a few years, and now the girl is about to graduate from her school. Little did she know that a group of people from her school will body-shame her in the graduation party. And when that happened for the first time, the girl knew how to take a stand for herself. She knew her worth because growing up she had a reliable support system at home who taught her the importance of befriending her body. #beyourownhero
In case you are wondering who that little girl is, let me introduce you to her.
Hi, my name is Sana Naseem. I am a ThetaHealing Consultant, Instructor and Mindfulness trainer, and this was my story of how I learned to love my body and respect it. <3
But I understand, not everyone has a supportive environment while growing up. Many of us are not taught how to befriend our bodies.
A question that comes to my mind, when I think about this topic, is do people who body shame others realize how their comments in fact reflect their lack of acceptance of their body image?
With this and many other questions in mind, I invited Dr. Hanouf Albahhouh a doctor from Kuwait to have a conversation on how to be friends with our self/body and how to respect it.
I am grateful to Dr. Albahouh for accepting my invitation to talk about this topic and for sharing her views. It was a long discussion, therefore, for your convenience, I have divided the video into small parts:
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Episode 7
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Episode 10
- Episode 11 (Last Episode)
Episode 1: Respecting our Self
In this part, you will find:
1. Introduction of Dr.Albahouh, her journey, her love for reading
2. Self Image- an introduction (definition)
3. Importance of Pause in life
Enjoy the conversation! I hope you will like it and will find the entire series informative. Do share your comments with me.
Lots of Love and Good wishes for you and your loved ones!
Episode 2: Respecting our Self
In Episode 2 of our Self Image video series, we discussed:
1. Role of culture in forming a Self-Image
2. How are standards for self-image and body image formed in a society?
3. Self-acceptance -the Key to a healthy self-image
Episode 3: Respecting our Self
In this episode you will find discussion on:
1. Unhealthy Obsession with changing our body image
2. Identification of core beliefs related to self-image and where do we get them from
3. Theta Brain waves up-till age 7
4. Role of parents informing our core beliefs
5. Sub-conscious mind as our protector
Join the discussion and do let us know your views on this topic.
Episode 4: Respecting Our Self
In this episode we discussed:
1. Importance of talking to our Inner child
2. Breaking the generational pattern of Parenting
3. @albahhouh‘s Advice for Parents
4. Projections by Parents
6. Self-Acceptance (Parents)
Episode 5: Respecting Our Self
In Episode 5, we continued our discussion on self-acceptance and discussed the following:
1. Importance of self-acceptance by Parents and impact on children
2. @albahhouh talked about a shift in the collective consciousness
3. Emphasis on embracing our differences
4. Body-Shaming and its impact on personality development
If you want to contribute to our discussion then do leave a comment below <3
Episode 6: Respecting Our Self
This episode was all about our discussion on body shaming and the role of family members/Parents. In this episode we talked about:
1. Importance of being grateful
2. Lack vs Abundance perspective
3. Focus on enhancing our gifts
4. Why do we compare ourselves with others?
5. Body-Shaming by family members and impact
6. How to handle body criticism by family members?
7. Parents as Role models
Episode 7
In this episode our discussion revolves around the following themes:
1. Importance of appreciating and approving ourselves before looking for outside approvals
2. Self-love
3. Love your body, be aware of what’s going on with it-respect it
4. Tip on how to not attract toxic people in your life
Episode 8
In this part we talked about:
1. Advice for teenagers
2. Relation between our thoughts and the situations in life
3. New experiences and new feelings
4. Stepping out of comfort zone
5. Flaunting our good points and not internalizing body shaming
6. Definition of Beauty
Episode 9
In this part you will find discussion on:
- How can parents give advice to their children or other family members to have a healthy body so that it does not convert into a body-shaming experience for them?
2. The Importance of group activities with children
3. Importance of telling the children that they are not in the situation alone
4. Family bonding
Episode 10
In the 2nd last part of my conversation, we talked about:
1. Why can’t we accept each other the way we are?
2. Body shamers are actually hiding their emotions by making fun of others
3. Emotional Intelligence and children
4. Negative effects of suppressing emotions from childhood
5. Role of parents invalidating the feelings of their children
6. Listen to your children
Episode 11
As we come to the end of our Series on Respecting Our Self, I would like to express my gratitude towards all of you for your DMs and feedback regarding this topic. Special Thanks to Dr.Hanouf Albahouh @albahhouh for her time and valuable insights throughout our discussion. ✨✨
As we close the discussion for now, please remember it is not the number on your scale or the way you “look” to others that determine your self-worth. What makes you attractive is your self-confidence and self-respect rather than striving to be a false image of perfection.
Love yourself, be present and most importantly understand yourself to be the best version of your existence <3