Re-Discover Yourself

ThetaHealing Technique: Have you been holding on to past relationships, old habits, thought patterns, or behaviors that no longer serve you? Perhaps now they feel more like a burden than a benefit to you?

Gain Mental Clarity, Emotional Freedom, Deeper Self-Awareness and Compassion

If the answer to the above question is YES then you have come to the right place. Letting go of the old to make room for the new can be an uncomfortable step. However, it is the most crucial step in any healing or transformative process.

That includes letting go of the stories you tell yourself about your past, your present and your future. These stories are built on patterns that do not give us time to think and we live our life on auto-pilot.

Learn to free yourself from victim mode and understand the value of your existence with ThetaHealing.

ThetaHealing Practitioner Certification Seminars

Online Live VIA ZOOM

  • Foundation Seminars (Level 1 to 4)

  • Growing your Relationship Seminars
  • ThetaHealing Mastery Level Seminars

  • ThetaHealing® Practitioner Certification from THInK

ThetaHealing Online Consultation

Online Live VIA ZOOM

  • 90 Minutes (1.5 Hours) of Intense, Deep Digging
  • Transformation with Compassion

What is ThetaHealing?

The ThetaHealing technique is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy with the purpose of improvement in mind, body and spirit while getting closer to the Creator of All That Is. It is a focused prayer to the Creator and allows you to train your mind, body and spirit to clear limiting beliefs and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Through meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

What is ThetaHealing?

The ThetaHealing meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health.  Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique.

The ThetaHealing technique is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. It teaches how to put to use one’s own natural intuition, relying upon unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is to do the actual “work.” It is believed that by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and “delta” brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional well-being.

The above text has been taken from the official ThetaHealing® website. To learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, please visit

Can anyone do it

Can Anyone Do it?

One of the most frequently asked questions is If ThetaHealing® works instantly, why doesn’t everyone use it? This question comes from a doubtful mindset and this is exactly where the answer lies. ThetaHealing is for those who are ready to trust the journey. And they won’t let fear or doubt guide them in their journey towards self-discovery.
Having said that, we understand that Not everyone is at a point in their life where they would like to go deep down to take a look at what’s happening inside. 

Over the years, we have been conditioned in a way that prefers hiding over talking about emotions. We think we are better off hiding from ourselves and our feelings rather than to TALK about them openly. Recognizing that there is an issue that needs to be resolved for a better and healthier life, is the first step toward personal transformation and healing. So while ThetaHealing® is instant and is done easily through the energy of the Creator of All that is, it takes belief, courage, strength and the desire to find out the inner patterns that are holding us back in our life.

In this modality, the intention is important. If there are a lot of limiting beliefs, strong resistance to the healing energies and/or even intentions to prove the ThetaHealer wrong, that person won’t be able to receive the changes he/she needs. Free will is an important factor in Theta Healing. Every reading changes belief and every download requires the consent of the client. We all are in charge of our destiny.

Belief, Courage, Strength and Desire

Is ThetaHealing for me?

It is not necessary to have super human abilities to witness the healings. Theta Healing can help with relationships, financial problems, personal issues and many other life challenges in addition to health problems. ThetaHealing® is for you if you are ready to:

  • Release your limiting beliefs,
  • Let go off the past,
  • Explore UNLIMITED opportunities to recreate your life to make you happier, healthier, more accepting and loving individuals
  • Remember who you are, recognize that you have talents and abilities beyond those currently utilized. That you have more value than previously acknowledged
  • Gain clarity on life purpose
  • Heal physical pain
  • Release emotional trauma
  • Take a deep look at your issues
  • Remove self-sabotaging patterns
  • Release anger
  • Manifest abundance
  • Find out the reason for stressful personal relationships
  • Find out the root cause of unhealthy work life
  • Heal Emotional imbalance in life
  • Release resentments from past relationships

If you are ready to shift your energy to do all this and more, then ThetaHealing is definitely for you!

To know more write to us at or book a ThetaHealing® Online session with us now.

TRANSFORMATION WITH OUR MONTHLY ONLINE HEALING CIRCLES A sanctuary for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Our founder, Katie Sutton, taps into her intuitive connection with universal energies to guide our Monthly Online Healing Circles. These circles are more than just a gathering; they are a journey into the depths of your being, a voyage of transformation and empowerment.
A person meditating in theta and creating a beautiful energy around her

What happens during a session?

During a healing session, the ThetaHealing® specialist connects to the energy of the Creator through meditation. This connection is built by using a theta brain wave. The Theta state is a deep state of relaxation that makes it easier to talk to your subconscious mind. In this state, we can address the limiting beliefs and patterns that create blockages in life. Our subconscious mind is powerful and can be reprogrammed by using different techniques such as ThetaHealing®.

By talking about your beliefs and patterns, with the support of the ThetaHealer, you overcome the feeling of stuckness and open your mind to positive changes. This technique helps you in moving forward in your life and turning your manifestations into a reality.

In a session, we ask questions so that our clients can discover who they are and answer the questions themselves in a safe and secure environment. The aim is to get clarity for the clients. We work with what you bring to us in a session and together we find out if the situation is working for you and the feelings that it brings in your life.

Is ThetaHealing® Safe?

Through meditation and focused prayer, the ThetaHealing® technique creates a positive lifestyle which helps us to re-discover ourselves. It is a training method for your mind, body and spirit that works at a cellular level. It allows you to clear limiting beliefs to live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that we do. Keeping this spiritual philosophy in mind, the simple answer is YES ThetaHealing is Safe. As a certified ThetaHealer Specialist and Instructor we follow a Code of Ethics. Your free-will is the most important part of any session. Until and unless you GIVE US PERMISSION to change a belief, we cannot and will not change it. We can only work on the issues that you want to work on. Respect and Integrity are the most important elements of our sessions.

ThetaHealing® as an alternative healing technique is not meant to replace conventional medicine. There are times when allopathic medical care is the best choice because you need immediate treatment. Having said that, holistic alternative health practices can often act as strong supplements to conventional medical care.

As an ethical ThetaHealing® Specialist, we DO NOT diagnose or prescribe. We will NEVER advise you to simply abandon your course of treatment from a doctor. However, we will suggest you to apply ThetaHealing® to improve your health with a holistic approach.

Image depicting safety and healing to answer the question Is ThetaHealing safe. A woman is meditating and a bubble of energy is all around her
Heart of a person glowing radiating energy from heart and brain in meditation

How do I become a qualified ThetaHealing® Practitioner?

The first step in ThetaHealing® journey is to complete the foundation course BASIC DNA. Upon completing the Basic ThetaHealing® BASIC DNA you are certified as a practitioner. However, we believe that a good practitioner is the one who has worked deeply on her/himselfTherefore, we recommend that you complete the level 2 , 3 and 4 practitioner certifications for deeper understanding and practice. This will support you not only in pursuing ThetaHealing® as a career but in your every day life. The more you practice and work on yourself, the better you will get at witnessing the healing. With practice, your abilities will improve and you will be able to manifest faster with the energy of Creator of All that is.

Will I receive a certificate after attending the ThetaHealing® Seminar?

Yes, after attending practitioner certification seminars you will be certified as a ThetaHealing® Practitioner by ThetaHealing Institute USA. After the training, you will be able to use the title of Certified ThetaHealer for a period of 5 years.

Is ThetaHealing® Similar to the Silva Method?

This is one of the most commonly asked question. ThetaHealing and the Silva Method are both self-improvement techniques that utilize meditation and focus on the power of the mind, but they have different approaches and applications.

ThetaHealing is a meditation technique that believes in changing a person’s emotional well-being by addressing beliefs in the conscious and unconscious mind, which may impact their physical health. It emphasizes the use of natural intuition, spiritual connection and the unconditional love of the Creator to facilitate healing.

On the other hand, the Silva Method is more focused on developing enhanced mental functions like improved memory, creativity, and the ability to maintain a focused state of mind.

While both methods share similarities in that they use meditation and aim to tap into the subconscious mind, the ThetaHealing technique is more spiritual in nature, based on the concept of interconnectedness of the universe. We encourage you to do your research and go for the method that resonates more with you.

Image of human brain connected with multiple neurons and energy coming out of it. Used for section that talks about difference between Thetahealing and Silva Method
a beautiful person seated in lotus position with the eyes closed in meditation, lots of light sparkles and roses in the background changing beliefs

I have seen Theta Healers talk about changing Beliefs. What are Beliefs?

‘Belief’ is any statement that you make to yourself and hold to be true. It doesn’t have to be true for everyone but as long as it is true for you, it will be your reality. For example, if you always feel, think and say to yourself that you are not worthy of good things in life, you must struggle in order to be successful, in order to love you must chase everyone, then this will be your reality based on your Beliefs. If you feel things will never work out for you, you will never get better, then this is exactly what you will manifest in life through your beliefs.

For everything that is not working well in our life, we have a belief associated with it. That belief is called a limiting belief. In ThetaHealing we learn to get to the bottom of every limiting belief and work on releasing them in the highest and best way. By re-training our belief system, we open doors to the world of possibilities in our life.

If you have any questions please write to us at

ThetaHealing Workshops (In-person/Online)

Quanta Mind Holistic Wellness does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by Quanta Mind is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. We acknowledge the importance of medical care therefore you should not take any action before consulting with your healthcare professional or your therapist. Our vision is to help you bring your biggest dream into reality. We cannot, and do not, make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with ideas, information, tools or strategies discussed in or part of consultations/sessions. Your results are completely up to you, your level of awareness, expertise, the action you take and the service you provide to others. That said, please know that we only recommend programs that we truly believe in, and happily share with friends and family. We believe in you, and we are here to support you in making the changes you want for your life by guiding you towards methods, strategies, and ideas that will help move you in the direction of your dream.

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